Investing is all about knowledge which is why we have always used the phrase “The Need to Know” when describing what Apollo is and does and h0w it can help investors. Apollo (through the EDGE platform) provides investors an insight which gives them that edge.
Tag: Expected returns
it ain’t over until its over.
There are many reasons why our Smart Alpha process works so well and stands up to scrutiny.
We start with the investible universe and immediately ‘knock out’ the stocks we don’t want to own. Stocks are initially selected by Factor – a ‘bottom up’ selection process.
Hitting The Target
The story of this sector has been one that demonstrates perfectly the Apollo Investment Cycle as we have seen the move from Value to Re-rating and Growth. We now have a group of low volatility Re-rating and Growth stocks – otherwise known as Quality and as we look at the group today we see the majority showing Accelerator Long signals to fully support the investment case that investors have been buying into.
Point to Point
It’s the big calls that make the big difference to both Equity and Cross Asset investors and we’ve been doing this successfully for years.
We have recently introduced a new feature on the Apollo Edge platform that allows investors to “Smart Filter” their portfolios or watchlists at the stock level, using our proprietary investment factor groupings of Value, Re-rating, Growth or De-rating.
How Apollo signals can help to gauge the market. As a first blogpost, it seemed timely to showcase how some of the Apollo signals and indicators can inform us about the prospects for the US market over the next twelve months.